Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Since 1985

My first ever tour was in 1985. Well, I was too young (3 years) that time to remember anything in deatil (had been to relatives' places before 1985, but not actual tour).
But that time we (me & my parents) went to Vizag (Andra Pradesh), Puri and Bhubaneshwar (Orisa), I do remember the place names.
And I also remember the SEA & SAND.
And I remember I fell sick, and was shivering in my mother's lap while she was trying to tell me the vastness of sea. :P
During this time I made my first ever (adult) friend out of the family, he was the liftman of the hotel where we were staying. :)
Unfortunately don't have any nice picture of that tour, by own camera (father's camera).
Later on,  in 1987, went to Puri again, Have few pictures of that tour, but as you can guess they were not taken by me and it seems like my father forgot to take the camera, or forgot to take photos.
In next 25 years, I went to different parts of India. Visisted almost every states, and here I'm going to share my experienes.


(Puri JagathnathTemple)
I have been to Puri many more times later on, pictures are from one of those times. I always loved tours and trips, but travelling became more exciting after I started clicking pictures myself, since 1992.


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